Everybody sign in, fill out your name tag, pick up your goody bag, and go into the next room...
Winston is telling Pat that the food is 'thatta way'....Howard, you must use the same barber that Dick does! Oh yes, there he is, sitting right behind you. Earl, Sandy, Ladd, and Judy's DH
Earl and Tree
Judy, Judge Eddie and Richard
Cecil, Diane and Tina....who is always laughing.
Kudos to the planning and host committees for a marvelous weekend.....and to the Stones and Harpers for hosting two of the parties. Y'all rock!!! We don't want to wait five more years till the next event.......and I do hope y'all consider a *cruise* for the next time!!!
I'm class of '69. Couple of us have been talking about the big 40 year reunion in 09. This one looked like grand fun. :)
It was...I have been to every one of ours! It has been interesting seeing how everyone has, um, changed over the years!!!
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