Friday, January 4, 2013

Sunrise over the Gulf

Good morning, sunshine! Come on've been a stranger.

So yesterday with the continued rain, we changed plans and arrived at Carrabelle a day early to visit with Wade and Ginger. The site they reserved for us was available, so why not? Flexible. We are. Ginger was on duty here at the cg, but we had a good visit in between a few interruptions.

MM was ready for a nap, so nap he did ahead of a nice local seafood dinner.

Ginger is off duty today, so the four of us will head out and putz around the coastline. Wade and Ginger have worked here at this cg for years during the summer, and lived at the same park as we do in W Palm the rest of the year. They are now full time here in Carrabelle, where Wade spends his time fishing while Ginger works the front office. He always wanted to be a kept man!

I am sure we will find plenty to do...or not At least the forecast is sun today and high 50s. Rain tomorrow as we roll. Again. We are getting used to that!

Come along with us as we explore!

Life is good, y'all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Jackie said...'s cold here again!! Those palm trees and that coast line sure do look inviting!

Have fun for all of us!!:-)

Joy said...

Tell Wade and Ginger hello from me! The sun is out today here, too, finally...but it is COLD! Enjoy the warmth and the fellowship where you are. Hugs!

Sandee said...

It's been sunny here, but it's cold until the afternoon. Then is warms up ever so slightly. I'll take the sun though.

Have a terrific day honey. You'll be in the warm soon and you'll love it too. Big hugs. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sunny and 80 here, you know where i'm headed!

smiles, bee

Jean(ie) said...

Heaven... the land seafood, waterfronts, and warmer climes.

Barb said...

It's still raw and cold here, but at least it stopped raining! Lovely sunrise to greet your day! Gotta love them!

Enjoy your visit!

Dang... I wish I were a kept women.

Well, kinda.

Big hugs xoxo

Haley D. said...

Beautiful! I'm impressed you were up to see a sunrise! Happy trails!