Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flint Riveraquarium

Whew, it is sure hot here in So. GA! We are back at the coach; Dick is napping, and I am uploading pictures and checking out my buddy blogs. Chehaw Park is busy today with loads of people enjoying the outdoors. Our family came here often when we were small. Good memories.

Hey, Bruce...and David, David's wife, and Marilyn...

Sandy, Claire and Diane...we three go waaaayyyy back to first grade together, and continued all the way through high school graduation!
Yes, we did walk through the aquarium, but y'all have seen pictures of fish and alligators before! The section on blue hole springs and how this impacts the Flint River is very interesting. Stop by if you are ever in the area.
Tonight is the last function for our class of '63...a dinner/dance that is conveniently being held here at Chehaw. The organizing committee has done a fine job...kudos to all of them! I suggested a cruise for the next gathering. Go figure! We'll pull out in the morning and head to Mayberry for our g/daugher's 7th birthday party. We are such party animals!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it has been lovely here in wpb this week just perfect weather... have fun honey!

smiles, bee

escape said...

i like aquariums too. traveling is life.

 gmirage said...

Wow, from age 7 (?) to many more years! Solid friendship =) Travelling with friends is fun and really bond you more! What a fun class plus a trip to the aquarium...

Have a nice week ahead.

Traveling Bells said...

Hey, Mirage2g!

Yes, most of our class of almost 500 went to school together all 12 years! And a lot of us NEVER miss a reunion cuz they are sooo much fun. We have lots of history together. Glad you enjoyed it. Will post more pics later. We've gotta get outta here!!!

Bruce Garey said...

Thank you. I finally got my picture on your blog. After I cried myself to sleep the last two nights thinking you didn't care about me anymore.
Enjoyed seeing you and Dick again this weekend. Don't stay away. Y'all come.
Bruce & Marilyn Garey

Traveling Bells said...

Love ya, Bruce & Marilyn. Keeping good thoughts for y'all!!!...xoxoxo