Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Banging my head here...

OK, so on Saturday I can upload images...Sunday, I can't. And still can't. Urrggghhh. I didn't change any settings..............I have emptied out temp files, cleared cookies...yada, yada...all those suggestions to make this work. This is NOT funny. Picture me banging my head on my desk......I am definitely not a happy camper, y'all!


escape said...

i hope that you don't hit your head that hard. i hope you'll get to upload it soon. sometimes that happens. it takes time.

Traveling Bells said...

I know...I know. This makes me feel like the almost two-year old who spent the morning with me!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

don't understand honey, have not had any problems with blogger. is your internet timing out like it does on the ship for some reason?

smiles, bee

Traveling Bells said...

Nope...it just sez "Internet Explored cannot display this page. Check your connection." Well, I am connected, but it can't find me:-(

Becky said...

Blogger has given me some head-banging time with pictures as well, when they've just disappeared a day or so after I've uploaded them. Sometimes computers and programs like to show us who's boss I guess (!) Surely though you've already tried the trick that fixes problems 99% of the time -- Reboot!! :)

Traveling Bells said...

I have rebooted; I have shut down! Urrgghh. Not fun!!!

Constance said...

Is blogger having a problem ?

Stuff like that is very frustrating. I think my dpi is too big, and the pictures are taking too long to load on the blog page, but can't figure out how to fix it after the fact - or even if I can adjust something on my camera so the pics are small enough for the computer !

My empathy -

Maybe tomorrow you'll be able to load the pics. Blogger is just weird sometimes.

p.s. Adding you to my links :)

Traveling Bells said...

Thanks for the commiseration, Loving Annie! I'm thinking I'll go to my dtr's house and try using her puter to see if the problem is here and not with blogger. Sigh. Frustrating. Thanks for the link. I'm gonna do the same:-)