Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday with sunshine

Welcome back, Ms Sunshine. We've missed you!

I would love to miss the lump on the bottom of my foot that appeared this morning, but it won't let me. What's up with that??? I have no idea what caused it. Dr. MM looked at it (what a way to begin HIS day with a foot in his face), but there is no obvious splinter or anything...just an obvious lump in the middle of the outside edge. I think a visit to the walk-in clinic is in my future. This was sooo not on today's planned agenda! Bugger.

But, that is life and we roll with whatever is dealt us and go on. This is minor in the overall scheme of things. And I am pretty well ready for the BSP meeting here tonight.

D fer done, right? Right.

Life is good, y'all! Get out and enjoy it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh gosh, sorry about the foot honey! the lake looks lovely!

hugs, bee

Barb said...

Oh, bugger. That foot thingy sounds like not much fun. But Miss Bee's right, the lake looks lovely!

We still have 60% chance f rain in our forecast all week. Ca-rap!

Big hugs xoxo

Jean(ie) said...

Ouch. Hop it's nothing serious and goes away lickety-split. foot troubles are not fun!

Sandee said...

Yikes on your foot. I'm sure you'll get it checked just to make sure you're okay.

The view of the lake is lovely and then some.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. :)

Anonymous said...

could be a lot of things...I actually have something similar. it hurt for awhile...at least it was uncomfortable but now I barely notice it.