Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A pearl by another name

A foot pearl, known as a plantar wart. Wart? Ewww, that sounds gross and makes me think of the wicked witch in the movies, but that is what was causing the pain.

I had heard of these warts but had no idea what they were and boy did I get edjamacated. They are caused by viruses...sorta like an oyster having a grain of sand that irritates and eventually becomes a pearl. I had a foot pearl. I told the RN that I would prefer pearls around my neck, thankyouverymuch, not on my foot!

The treatment was cryosurgery, freezing that little bugger off. She did; and we hope it is dead and will just slough off. Not much to do except not go barefoot, soak in warm Epsom salt and get this, in a few days, put duct tape over it! Srsly. Won't MM love that! New fashion footwear...duct tape. Maybe I will buy a roll of something spiffy and start a new trend.

By late evening a not-so-lovely blister had formed.

I will manage, but today's shopping got postponed!

Marbles, anyone?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Barb said...

Foot Pearl does sound so much nicer than planter wart, though. Glamorous even.

Duct Tape? They have some really fabulous designs in duct tape now. You'll have to show us the latest in pearly footwear!

Off with its head! srsly.

Hope you're more comfortable soon. srsly. big hugs xoxo

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well buggers. although i have heard of putting duct tape on it. hey! sit down and rest, put your feet up and enjoy the day! tits!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

Well at least you've got that little foot pearl taken care of. I've never had one and I'll pass.

Have a terrific day honey. Just rest and stay off that foot. Big hugs from HOT California. :)

Anonymous said...

Once I get a job, and you know, get health insurance I'll have to do this.

Jean(ie) said...

I had one in college. I was stupid and tried to cut it out myself. Let's just say it went toxic and caused me a lot of trouble. Glad you're doing it the RIGHT way.

Haley D. said...

Thank you for NOT sharing pictures! Here's hoping it heals quickly. Stay off your feet for a while please!