Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, Monday

Did I mention three-week’s worth of snail mail?  Oh yes, I think I did.

Bank statements, quarterly stuff, monthly stuff, meeting/schedule notices, and filing.  Everything is piled up and needs to get done.  Oy…remind me again of why we were away?  It is time to pay the piper, literally!

Yesterday was fabulous, watching Macey at her danceMacey hip hop recital, then the family gathering for birthday cake and pizza afterward.  Thanks for all the birthday wishes for our sweet boy.  He had an exhausting day with all his cousins!

Today will be a busy, but productive day.  And that’s A-OK.  I’m in a git-er-done mode.

Life is good in the ‘hood, y’all!


Sandee said...

Glad you had a great day yesterday. That's what it's all about. You'll get though all that mail too. We just did the same thing.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. :)

Jean(ie) said...

Sounds like a wonderful family weekend. Especially since there's cake involved...LOL!

Barb said...

That's a bunch of paper piper paying. Oy.

But at least you do have some lovely diversions! Macey is cute as anything!

Hang in there... It'll be D fer Done before you know it! Big hugs xoxo

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

there was CAKE? *thud*

smiles, bee