I think so. That is the problem with long weekends…it sorta messes up knowing what day it is. This seems like it is Monday. That’s OK. Monday is a good day. Monday is fine. I can deal with it.
OY…the bird chorus at 5:30 is another matter, though. I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I finally rolled out. Baby girl got fed and crashed again…in her own bed, instead of snuggled up with MM. Wrong choice, Missy! Her CATtitude—go away, Mom! I’m trying to sleep.
So, we had a lovely Memorial Day weekend, deciding while in town yesterday to stop at the market and pick up hamburger makings and grill out. Two phone calls later, and Joy, Jim and Janet were confirmed on the head count. Instant deck party…love it! Easy peasy. Impromptu works very well around here.
Have a great Mon…um, Tuesday, y’all!