Thursday, January 10, 2008

Printing pictures

Today I have been looking though our digital photos so that I can find/print out some to represent our state and our family. This picture of the Union County Historical Courthouse didn't print out very well, since I found it online, so I am putting it here to show it off. I like the picture...and will have to make sure I take one of my own to have it when I want it again.
Anyway, this is for the scrapbook page that we are to take with us on the cruise, and it is to be given to someone special. Empess Bee has never scrapbooked before, so I'm going to her house tomorrow and we are gonna play together:-) That'll be fun. Y'all might even get to see some pictures of the mess we'll undoubtedly make.
We had a nice potluck dinner tonight over at the park rec hall. Tons of food, and it was all good. And what is on TV right now in the background? Do's and don't's (sic) of cruising! We're pathetic...but it sure beats all the political stuff on TV. Oh yes, our newly installed outside lights sure look good, just in case you are wondering. No, they are NOT Christmas lights (you know you are a redneck if you leave your Christmas lights up all year long). White lights are ACCENT lights. That's my story...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sandy i have some pics of the courthouse i took, i will email them to you!

smiles, bee

Traveling Bells said...

I printed out one...nice! That's what friends each other:-)

Joy said...

I was going to offer to go take a picture for you but Bee has a better idea!