Look at my babies! This photo showed up on my FB feed yesterday and I just needed to sit and enjoy seeing my wee ones again. Miss Senior Ansley began taking two college classes yesterday. I want to hear all about those!
We four are taking Paul and Moira out to the farm where MM and Bob grew up...and where he and I lived when all three of our kids were born. Talk about a walk down memory lane! Oh yes. Hopefully those kiddos pictured above will see and appreciate these sights some day.
So MM broke down and bought his first ever lottery tickets. I'm glad he didn't spend any of his winnings beforehand, because his winnings might be enough to buy lunch today. More on lunch later.
Have yourself a lovely Thursday. We have overcast and cool again, but there is no white stuff. That is good, in my humble opinion.
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Have a nice weekend...
If it snowed in Florida it would make national news for sure and can you imagine all the traffic accidents.
I know you're proud of your babies and you should be. All of them come from mighty fine stock.
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to the babies. ♥♥♥
Oh, my, what a great picture - a memory jogger for sure! Enjoy the sightseeing, I remember doing that a couple of years ago. And enjoy lunch! Be thankful you are hungry and can find something that tastes good - says she who is still struggling back from the punch of the stomach bug.
The kids look like babies! Oh my. To think they are growing up so fast! Just remember that Florida cool is warmer than Ga Alps cool! Have a great weekend!
So itty bitty they are!!
We didn't buy any tickets. So we have to pay for our own lunch. bahahahaha!
Have a lovely trip down memory lane! big hugs xoxo
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