Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday stuff


Dick, Lyn, Terry

At least that light pole isn’t growing out of the top of MM’s head!  This was definitely a quick point and shoot of friends Lyn and Terry, with no time to line up a good background.  It was sooo good seeing them yesterday.  And the food was of course good as usual.

So this morning is the big cataract surgery for MM.  We would appreciate all good thoughts that it will be a routine, 8-minute surgery, stay for an appropriate time to make sure he is stable and OK, then outta there.

No further news (post) today means GOOD news!

Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal, y’all! 


Barb said...

I will join my prayers to yours for a very routine procedure! He's going to be SO amazed by how well he's seeing afterwards! I've so many friends as well as my Dad who've had it done. They forgot how well they use to see! My Dad doesn't even need glasses to drive anymore!

big hugs honey, and purrs from all'a the Gs, too, just for extry good measure!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

so glad it's over now, good boy mm!!!

smiles, bee

Jean(ie) said...

Hugs and love. Hop it all went well.

Sandee said...

It's a quick surgery indeed. He'll love the results too. Prayers are always coming your way.

Have a terrific day. Big hugs. :)

ivana said...

Ciao cara Sandy!

I'm sure that all is ok!!!
My thoughts to MM!

Big hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Hoping the surgery went well!