We couldn’t ask for better weather—sunny, warm, hardly a cloud in the sky. Sorrento is a beautiful city, definitely worth another visit. We would love to get over to Capri next time.
Last night for our departure, we were treated to Mt. Stromboli sending up some smoke. I think we got a couple of good shots of it. Thankfully, Vesuvius was all quiet today.
The 6 member dance/singing group did a good job on Motown music tonight, doing some of our fave numbers. They are a mighty energetic group…young, for sure! Last night we had a hypnotist entertain us, and doubting Dick actually volunteered to be amongst the group of a dozen to try to be hypnotized. He sorta went under a bit at the beginning, but not all the way. He’s a tough nut to crack. Our tablemate was a hoot. We knew she would go under easily, and she didn’t let us down. It was great fun watching.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) finds us docking at noon in Ajaccio, Corsica (France), the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. It sure is fun bouncing from country to country and hearing all the lovely languages and seeing new sights. We have to be onboard at 6:30, so it will be a short visit here on this small “scented isle,” so called because of the strong flowery perfume that hangs in the air over the forest. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it.
Tonight was our second and final formal night, one too many on this short of a cruise, in my humble opinion, but there are some who enjoy getting all gussied up…not Dick. Go figure.
We are having a good time, and hope all of you are doing the same. Life is good! Ciao…