Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 26 - New York City, Atlanta, then Mayberry!

This lady was a mighty welcome sight today, well, as we much as we could see her at 5a. I don't think the pics will be that great, but she is still there, shining her welcome light for all to enjoy. The ship has all sorts of inspections to go through, so we are hoping to get off in time to make our 11:55a flight. I am sitting using up some of my last remaining internet minutes. We are almost home....and that feels soooo good!

It has been a fun trip...the weather has mostly cooperated...but it is definitely time for home and family. We've missed Sunday is christening day for our newest grandson and a celebration afterward. I'm sure there'll be pictures to follow. Ya think???

Ray, I am sorry the CD of the "Harbor Symphony" didn't load onto Bob's computer. We'll get it uploaded when we get home and get it posted on the website, so check back in a few days, OK? We have enjoyed listening to Bob the Pianoman play the piano and sing and entertain us. He is a hoot, as we say in the south!

Ciao, y'all! Later from Mayberry...............


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

Joy said...

Safe travels today as you return home! Hugs!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

welcome home honey!!! we have missed y'all but loved going along with you both. you did a grand job of showing the trip and telling us what is going on with you. thanks!

smiles, bee

ps: the sun is shining in podunk!

Haley D. said...

Can't wait to see you!!!!

Sarge Charlie said...

Welcome back, I want to see that lady in the harbor.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Welcome back home to the good ole' US of A!! Yeah

Barb said...

You sure know how to choose a cruise, Sandy! Welcome Home to Mayberry!