Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Good Friday is always greeted with mixed feelings, religious wise...I know it is necessary before we can experience Easter, but it still always feel a bit strange and a bit sad to me. I am an Easter person, so this day is always a tuff one with it being about The One dying on a cross. Just so you know.
So........I'll focus beyond that to dinner tonight, which always means planning ahead when there is a crowd arriving...and there will be a crowd to be sure. All the chitlins, tall and short, plus a couple new to Mayberry, Brian's friends Mark and Steph who now our new friends. See how easily we adopt new folks?! And feed them. They are ATL residents, so they'll only be up on weekends, but they'll be welcome additions to the 'hood.
The Windstream fella came and fixed our DSL that creates big smiles around here. Life is indeed GOOD...on this Good Friday. Blessings to all y'all (that's extra plural!).

1 comment:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

have a great easter all y'all!!! ha ha ha yes that is really plural!

smiles, bee