Sunday, March 8, 2015

Finger update and other stuff

Well, my hard headed BF listened to me and went to the clinic yesterday, after I pointed out that the back of his hand above the hurty finger was a lovely shade of RED.

He is on antibiotic pills and a cream, so hopefully, this will get cleared up soon.

It might be a good idea for MM and Missy to go sit outside the next time I vacuum.  That will save us a whole bunch of money!

Our silly wee boys loved their recent “Whoville” hairdo day, and I thank Amy for sharing this with me.  I miss those bundles of energy!

Whoville Hair boys

Grumps says for them to enjoy that hair while they have it!

Max and Kathy are coming over to play marbles on this sunny day.

Have yourselves a ginger peachy Sunday.  I’m making cowboy stew for dinner…ground beef, tomato sauce, bacon, onions, pork and beans.  I hope they like it!


Sandee said...

I was wondering about that finger. I figured you'd have MM at a clinic at some point. I figured right. Bless their hearts. They always say it's just a scratch when it's more than a scratch.

I know you miss your grand-babies. You'll see then soon I'm sure. After the snow melts and it warms up.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to the babies. :)

Jean(ie) said...

Oh no! I'm glad he got that taken care of. Fingers are vital!

Barb said...

Oh, I am so glad he went to the clinic! Puncture wounds are not to be messed with. Y'all.

I just spent a pretty little passle of dough on Cosmo's puncture wound... It's healed up quite nicely but he still has a funky haircut for a while. Bless his heart.

I wouldn't mind if you shared your recupe for cowboy stew. ;)

Have fun marble-ing! big hugs xoxo

Joy said...

Glad he went to the doctor! Have fun with the marbles and stew.