Check out that white patch…yep, it is SNOW and was just off our bumper in the free campground at Cumbres Pass. At 10,000’, it is still chilly, especially in the shade.
These critters have apparently just been to the hairdressers for their summer ‘do.’ Someone will have a pretty wool scarf or sweater or two for their sacrifice.
So Maytag Man is not a happy camper. The belt kept flying back off after he put it back on about another 10 times, so there must be a loose strut that is making the washer wobble. He gave up at about midnight, but at least we got the load spun enough to hang out to finish drying. You have to be handy when owing a moho because there is always ‘stuff’ that needs working on, much the same as owing a boat! MM is a mighty handy kind of guy.
We picked up forest service maps yesterday in Creede when we visited the post office (thanks for the mail and the TIVO remote, Amy!), so we’ll go out driving and sightseeing today. For you Mayberry folks, it is 43 this morning!
Life is good!