Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hello, ms Veendam Day 1 - Adeus, Rio...

The plan for today: morning sightseeing in Rio if this rain goes away, then head to this beautiful ship for lunch on the Lido deck. Departure is at 5p, so we'll be outside taking lots of photos as we sail away from Rio.
Rain greeted us when we landed and stayed all day, so we just went to the hotel and napped, then went to dinner and back to the hotel. We are such party animals...NOT. The clouds were hanging so low that we couldn't see anything yesterday, so why waste time going sightseeing to see nothing but rain? Nope, the nap won out, although we did sleep just a little on the plane ride down here. And no crying babies!
Woohoo...let the new adventure begin! Stay tuned! Bon voyage (how do you say that in Portugese?)...
And a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to Sarge Charlie. Love ya bunches!!! Sarge is battling demon cancer and winning, so please click over and leave him a little lovin'. He has earned it!


ivana said...

Ciao cara Sandy!!!!

The adventure begins...have a good holiday!!!

For Sarge, many wishes for his Birthday!!!!
Much Fun and Serenity!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the rain, but any excuse for a nap is a good thing, right? Have a fabulous time!

Big Hugs ♥xo

Haley D. said...

Faca uma boa viajem! (The Brazilian teacher at my school helped me w/that one!) I'm more familiar with bon voyage!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that is exactly what i would have done, nap! have fun honey. cat baked cake here!!!!!! and the weather channel was on the square in blairsville this morning because of the snow!!!

smiles, bee

Sarge Charlie said...

have loads of fun, thank you.

Sandee said...

I would have napped too. Got to catch up with the time you know.

I sang all over the blogosphere to Sarge. You know how I do.

Just enjoy every minute. Big hug. :)