Sunday, January 18, 2015

Poor baby...

My guy is still beached on the couch with a cold. Poor baby. Nurse Missy is usually nearby, but she is off taking a break at the moment.

We inherited the short kitty tower from a neighbor who sold their RV and couldn't get everything back to Canada. Actually, we got two towers. The other one is nice and tall. This one can also be used as a drink holder.

Of course I scrubbed and sprayed to try to rid away the previous kitty smells, but our two still are ignoring both items. I even dumped catnip on them. Darn picky kitties.

I will out-stubborn them!

And my guy will be better tomorrow. I hope.

Missy is now back on duty, bless her heart, and I am making soup for dinner.

Excitement. Somewhere, but not here. We will find it again, that much I am certain, because life is still very GOOD!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Sandee said...

I'm so sorry Dick is still sick. I hate being sick because there is always so much that needs doing. I hope he's better tomorrow too. He's got to get well for that cruise you know.

It may take some time, but the other kitty smells will eventually go away. I so remember this.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to the hard working babies. :)

Joy said...

Maybe the kitties don't like the smell of the cleaning spray! :-). The catnip should win them over eventually. At least it makes a good drink holder.
I'm sorry Dick still feels crummy. Glad nurse Missy is on the job, though.

Barb said...

I can sympathise with Dick. And you. Still sick us. And the ever picky kitties. Spishus. They haz it.

We did beau-coup errands yesterday and I can report that we are just about fully stocked up on most things again. The cats we re rubbing their happy little heads all over the Sam's-size cartons of wet food before I got them put up. Bless their hearts.

Have yourself a ginger beachy day. And I know you'll be taking great care of MM. big hugs xoxo