The patient gets strapped in...head to the R...hinny to the L...
That pump thingy pumps out the extender thingy that is attached to the bottom black strap, and that stretches the spine between the two black straps. Got all that?

It's working...honey, is that a smile or a grimace???

Missy thinks it is a fine device!

I'm going to
Haley's house to scrapbook and leaving Missy in charge of therapy.
Have fun, y'all! I'm outta here...
oh my! bless his little heart. i sure hope it helps him. he's a good boy.
smiles, bee
I hope it works, back pain sucks.
Ciao cara Sandy...
Missy finds it funny, maybe Dick is not so happy...i wish, it'll help him!!!
We have a sunny and warm day, like in Summer, so we made an interesting trip in the mountains, walking, and a great dinner in a little restaurant!!!
It was very fine!!!
ANYTHING that will help that back get better will be worth it!
I've never seen anything like that - what is the purpose behind it other than to simply make Dick feel better and get him back to ambulating minus the pain? Does it massage? Does it stretch? Does it work like the ancient rack?!?
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