Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Eurodam day!

Today is the official christening ceremony for the Eurodam, the newest addition to Holland America Lines. This is special to us, because on August 4, Dick and I will board this very ship in Copenhagen for a very exciting cruise adventure. You'll be hearing more about this trip very soon:-) Jeff & Bjarne...heads up, the Griswolds are coming to see y'all!!!


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Man, that is indeed a BIG SHIP!! You could get lost on that one. Hope you have a great time. Sandy

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

love that!!! (thanks dick! ha ha ha)

smiles, bee

Constance said...

Hope that you have a wonderful cruise on a brand-new ship ! How exciting that will be !

You haven't commented to me in a bit - is something wrong ? I'm posting again --

Anonymous said...

Wow, Copenhagen and a cruise? I can't wait to retire and travel. I'd like to get SOME practice in though...

Sandee said...

How fun. The Griswolds? Bwahahahahaha. That sounds like pure chaos. Have a great day. Big hug. :)

Traveling Bells said...

Retire? What's that? :-)

Anonymous said...

The Griswolds? LOL...

That is a beautiful ship. I'm jealous...

Haley D. said...

I am soooo jealous!!! You're going to have such a wonderful time, and at least we'll all get to read about here.

Sarge Charlie said...

can I go

Traveling Bells said...

Sure, Sarge, as long as you bring Empress Bee!