Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday in paradise



This photo from Sorrento is much prettier than our wet drab outside that is still here, but it is better than Mayberry, where there is a dusting of snow going on.  Nothankyou.

So what I created yesterday was mostly a mess, but that has to happen with beading.  Stuff here, stuff there.  No photo of that wanted!  I am mostly fixing and re-doing some things.  Stuff wears out and breaks;  I change my mind and want something done a little differently.  Even a small project requires all the tools to be out and available.  I like having my STUFF here so that I can play. 

The disadvantage to moho, small-space living is the lack of project space…but MM doesn’t mind the mess.  And Dorota is cooking dinner for us tonight, so I don’t have to put it all away just yet…and can still play awhile with my beads.  iLikey!

Two kitties sleeping, MM internet surfing…life is good in paradise, y’all!  It’s beading time!!!

What…the sun is trying to shine?!  Come on sun!


Sandee said...

I heard from Miss Bee's blog that it rained and rained yesterday. Really big rain. I wish we could get some of that rain here. It's so dusty and dry.

Have a terrific day beading honey. Big hugs. :)

ivana said...

Ciao Sandy!
You live in a little paradise isle, a small place so you have not to clean rooms and rooms!
Here snow again, awfully abundant, with wind!
We are a bit lucky, but in Bologna there is double more than here, in the countryside!
Every event was deleted, driving is difficult, we stay all at home!

Have a lovely Saturday!

Big bugs!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i know, sun, clouds, sun, clouds... at least it's not raining now. have to go out soon.

hugs, bee

Haley D. said...

The weathermen say that this is only our 2nd cold snap, so it feels even worse to use than it is since we're not used to it. They're also saying this is similar weather to the winter of '93 (and most of us remember The Blizzard). Enjoy your warmer-than-here weather!

Joy said...

Let's hope all that rain gets over before next week! No snow accumulation here but it is cold and windy. At least I get to wear my favorite boots! Goin' to Haley's this afternoon to play (i.e. make cards) Hugs!

Cinderella said...

Enjoy playing with your beads, Sandy!

It's raining here today too.

Barb said...

It's supposed to get mighty chilly here tonight... 26 degrees. Me no likey.

Little projects being done by AAl & his assistant since it's too cold to paint today.

'sketti and meatballs for supper, so it ain't all bad, is it?

Happy beading hugs xoxo

Jean(ie) said...

Have fun playing with beads! Same old same old here. Overcast and 40s.

Brian said...

Brrr here, Briney no likey. Couldn't bare going out for a ride today. Willie tonight!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's still raining. Want me to sent you guys an Arc?