Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday

Another shopping opportunity…for some folks.  Me?  Doubtful.  It’s just another Monday closer to our cruise, so it is a great day.

Here are the little buggers who beat me at marbles Saturday.  It’s all in the luck of the cards…or not… and they didn’t favor me one bit.  I’m ready for a re-match tonight!

Grammie, girls marbles

So yesterday I put a red bow on the grapevine wreath on our front door, put the Christmas flag on the small garden pole, and plugged in Frosty to shine out the front window.  D for done.  Instant decorations.  Not even a small tree this year, since we won’t be home for Christmas.  We shall, however, enjoy the Carnival Dream in all its Christmas finery.  We are counting down the days, about to say goodbye to November. And the weather folks are saying North Georgia is gonna get snow in the morning!  Yikes!!!  Brrr…

Frosty will probably be a happy guy.  Not me!  And no, he can’t go out and play in it.

Stay warm, y’all!


Barb said...

MotherDear had Dad drag out her little tree and boxes of sentimental decorations yesterday. The little tree sits on an end table... no more big trees. I don't have anywhere to put up a tree here at the Swamp. And that is just fine and dandy with me.

You really WILL be having a MAGICal Christmas, won't you!?! How marvelous!

Big hugs from south jawjah, where it will NOT be snowing.

ivana said...

Ciao Sandy!
I begin the decorations on Dec 8th!
Then I'll plan for the Christmas Bread, it takes a long time!
You go another cruise, Bee and family are not at yours, I guess!

Have lovely Monday and week!

Big hugs!!!

Sandee said...

I'm just going to put up a tree this year. I've tons of stuff, but it takes two days to put everything out. Just not going to do that this year.

Christmas on a cruise? I'm going to do that one day and just enjoy not doing all the work putting dinner together. I think it would be grand. I'm going with you, but I always go with my cruising buddies.

Have a terrific day and stay warm. Big hugs from cold and foggy California. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

no tree here either but we're packing!

smiles, bee