Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kitty instructions

Now watch this, Parker. You just poke your nose through here and then you can go out into the big world! Follow me.......
Wow, that wasn't so hard after all, Missy. Thanks!
After all that prowling around, it's time to rest. Dad sure makes a good pillow...umm, Missy, you can have that other chair. It's comfortable, too!
Alrighty, Miss Smarty Cat...how do I get back in???????
Oh...pushing with my nose again. I think I've got it now! That's enough work for one day...I'm ready for dinner...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh what a SMART kitty!!! nice, i think mr. whiskers should have one of those too! and a tiny one for nancy... stay tuned!

smiles, bee

Traveling Bells said...

Bee, I'm happy to provide new ideas for your doodles! You readers need to go check her out...hugzzzz

Anonymous said...

Smart kitty! Daddies do make good pillows... hubbies too!

Barb said...

Thank Heaven for Cat Flaps!!

Barb said...

Just read Miss Bee's comment... =) I think she may become a famous cartoonist in her retirement!

escape said...

i love the sequence here. and i love black pets.

Sandee said...

How cute. Cats are so smart. I love your patio and your view. Awesome. Have a great day. Big hug. :)

Brian said...

So you can teach old dogs, er, cats new tricks!

Traveling Bells said...

Only some of them, Brian!...lu

Ivanhoe said...

Cats really are smart!(not that I ever doubted them :o) I was just thinking about getting a doggie door after we get a dog next month. I don't want him/her locked up all day while we are at work... Have a great day!

Sarge Charlie said...

I wondered where the doors came from