Sunday, February 17, 2008

President's Day bypass and FAA...

Hail to the Chief(s)...good excuse to close all the guvmint offices and banks, not to mention all the sales going on everywhere. That is where most of the praise seems to be going, rather than saying thanks for this thankless job to the current prez and those who have gone before. Nuff said.

And b-i-l Roger is having bypass surgery on this holiday, not how he would like to spend it but necessary. Guess he'll have a nice zipper to commemorate the occasion. Dick and I are heading out shortly to see the FAA doc to get our medicals renewed, something we have to do every two years in order to be legal to fly. This is a good time to report that son Brian passed his written pilot's exam last week...wooohaaaa!!! He's havin' fun, but will be happy to get his check ride over 'n done with in the near future. We'll have dinner at Dan and Joan's house that is our day. Hope yours is good.


Brian said...

March 1st I will go for the practical! And my medical exam doesn't have to be renewd for THREE more years. I'm under 40!!! :-)

Traveling Bells said...

You dog...we both passed, but have to go every two years. There was no 'under 40' rule when we got our license waaay back when!