Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Iraklion, Crete

To continue the geography lesson, this is the island that was destroyed by the volcano, now fully recovered and developed. This is the largest city in Crete. We four opted for a cab ride to see part of the island, and we got to view lots of olive trees and vineyards on the hilly outskirts of the villages. We skipped the long lines to get into the palace...ruins, that is. We could see the standing stones from the road, but there was not a good photo op stopping place, so the memory will only be in our minds...probably for only a short duration! MOS...more old, hmm, ‘stuff.’ We did stop at a beautiful church and took pics inside there.
We were six for dinner tonight to celebrate Margie’s birthday in style, then on to see the juggler for the evening show (our second show). Oh yes, the onion soup wasn’t good. Miss Bee wants to know about that. Tomorrow is a sea day, enroute to Alexandria. We’ll do the ‘Pyramids and Nile in Style’ 12-hr. excursion to/from Cairo on Friday. Just so y’all know what is coming up. And, we'll download some pics to send to B to upload on the blog for us while we are at sea 'tomowwoh.' Cheers!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh i am sorry, the onion soup is like gravy, i should have warned you!

smiles, bee

Janelee said...

Hope you take advantage of the camel ride at the pyramids! I'd love to see a picture of Dick on the camel!

Sherman said...

Hi Folks, Just got the first notice of your blog & am now up to date thru Iraklion, Crete.

Continue to have a great time.leaving tomorrow for Cleermont & Windermere then on to NH Tuesday. See You there 10-3-07.
