Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday evening already...

Whew...everything is washed, but not all put away. Almost unpacked, then suitcases can go back in storage. My desk is still loaded with unfinished business, but I'm leaving it all, heading out to meet Joy and Carlene to ride over to Jennie's house. Tonight is our Beta Sigma Phi annual Christmas party and secret sister gift swap. Everybody brings a dessert or salad. You know when a group of gals get together, there'll be food galore. And fun. That is what our sisterhood is all about.

I did take time to upload my pictures from Wellington, NZ, so click over at www.ivylog2.spaces.live.com and check them out if you want. This yellow rose was at the botanical gardens there.

Later y'all. Have a peachy evening! I plan to make time to do my blogging rounds tomorrow. I've missed everyone. Life is good!!!


Haley D. said...

Give all the sisters Christmas hugs from me!

Sandee said...

You are really getting things done in a hurry. Good for you.

Have fun tonight. Yes, a bunch of gals is a fun night out for sure. Big hug. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

your group sounds so good honey. have fun with them! i get my hair done tomorrow so i get to see jj!

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

Have fun!!!! Tell your buddies I said hello!