Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hard workin’ man!


MM sent me a couple of “before” and “after” photos of that major project he has been working on:before


And one more set:



He saves the good stuff, and gets rid of the bad stuff, creating nice views and desirable building sites.  That will certainly be good for our local economy.

That MM is definitely a hard workin’ man…for one more month, then he is D fer DONE!  We have another adventure on the horizon.  Details soon.

Have yourselves a ginger peachy day.  My assistants are already hard………………at sleeping!

You are never too old to learn something stupid!



Sandee said...

We all know that MM is a hard working man. Yes we do.

I learn something stupid every single day. Bwahahahahahahaha.

I can't wait to see where the two of you are off to next month.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and scritches to those hard napping assistants. ♥♥♥

Barb said...

He sure is one handy dandy fella! I'd keep him if I were you! ;)

Oh, boy. Where are we goin' next?

big hugs xoxo