Well, we learned there is a real possibility our other grill was not stolen after all. Apparently the park manager got a tad carried away in hurricane preparedness and had ppl remove everything in the park not bolted to concrete. MM had ours thoroughly secured with screw anchors into the dirt, but it got (not easily) gone.
MM found this mac daddy grill in the want ads. Originally $1200 (we saw a new one when shopping), divorce, used rate: $75, complete with a half tank of propane! Sold. No haggling.
Thanks to Johnnie and his truck, it is here. MM has put a lot of sweat equity in cleaning/fixing it (he forgot to take a "before" photo), and just yesterday, we picked up a couple of bags of Sakrete to bolt this baby down.
We will be ready to grill...soon. Yeah baby!
And our colds are mostly history. Yay!!! MM is out now on the ocean fishing with a friend, while I continue my mice clean up. Damn mice.
It is cooler today, so the windows are open so all germs can fly away...and stay away. Two kitties are enjoying bird and lizard watch duties by the open windows.
Everybody has a job today, but the main question is--will we have fish for dinner?
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Woohoo! I can almost taste the burgers!
Damn mice.
Have an entirely awesome day!
big hugs xoxo
Wow! Nice grill at a bargain basement price! But what did the park manager do with the things that he "had removed"? This is a wonderful upgrade but he should have given your other one back to you. Oh, well...happy fishing to Dick, and I hope all the mice evidence is soon completely cleaned and gone. Hugs!
Supposedly everything went to the dump. Sure. We believe that. 😟
I hope he catches something tasty for dinner tonight. I'm sure the two kitties would like some too. In fact I'm pretty sure of that.
Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to the babies. ♥♥♥
Grilled dishes ! wow, great !
Have a nice weekend !
We got a new grill last summer...I miss grilling out. It's so cold now and our grill is pretty far from the house, so COLD!
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