This is a beautiful, wooded state park (GA has many of those). We have water & electric and were able to get both the internet and TV satellite systems to work through the trees. This is our windshield view of a small (by our standards) lake...

While Dick was doing his 'blue' jobs on getting us set up, I fixed our lunch and then we headed to the Little White House. I was here with a great aunt when I was 16, and this was Dick's first visit. They've added a small museum since I was here, complete with a short video of FDR and his presidential legacy. Below is a picture of the actual (small) home he lived in. The two outer buildings housed the servants. FDR died here of a cerebral hemorrage at age 63 in '45.
Say 'cheese!'
After touring the gounds, and seeing the famous, unfinished FDR portrait, we headed into town (loose term) and went to the hot springs pool that FDR enjoyed to try to improve his polio-damanged muscle tone. This building is now a small museum and is no longer used as a pool.
We didn't know that GA has about 9 hot springs in this immediate vicinity...and we also learned that FDR actually began the REA (Rural Electrical Association). He developed a great affinity for local farmers and wanted to bring cheap electricity to make their lives easier.
Today we are heading to Callaway Gardens. This might be an expensive day, since our yard needs landscaping, and I'm sure I'll see lots of plants that I'll want to bring home with us! It is Earth Day, so y'all be kind to Mother Earth, today and every day.
thanks for promoting Earth Day. i miss gardening it's not easy to do in the urban city of manila.
i promise not to litter today! have fun honey!!!
smiles, bee
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