Thank you,
Haley, for nominating me!
The rules are this: I need to pass this award on to five people, post on their blog to let them know I left this award, and then I need to answer a list of questions in ONE word. Fun!
But first (isn't there always a 'but first'?). I am absolutely, positively AWFUL about asking folks to fill things out, pass them on etc. Plus, I enjoy so many 'Over The Top' blogs that it would be difficult to pick five, and not hurt any feelings for the rest of my peeps, so I am breaking the rule. I flunk. Right off the bat. But I will answer the questions, and anyone who wants to play along is welcome to play. How's that? And I'll list some of my faves at the bottom of the post who richly deserve this award.
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? shaggy
3. Your mother? heaven
4. Your father? hopefullyheaven
5. Your favorite food? Italian
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? greatgranchildren
9. What room are you in? homeoffice
10. Your hobby? scrapbooking (Duh!)
11. Your fear? tragedy
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? unhappy
15. Muffins? Yum!
16. Wish list item? CraftCuttingSystem How's that for one word, stealing from Haley)
17. Where did you grow up? SouthGeorgia
18. Last thing you did? ate
19. What are you wearing? pjs
20. Your TV? HGTV
21. Your Pets? snoozing
22. Friends? lots
23. Your life? BUSY
24. Your mood? content
25. Missing Someone?
26. vehicle? silver
27. Something you're not wearing? makeup
28. Your favorite store? Marshall's
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When was the last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? recently
32. Your best friend?
33. One place that I go to over and over? homeoffice
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favorite place to eat? out
Now I have to (should) pass this on to 5 people - so these are my suggestions, other than
because these are the blogs I visit every day (unless I am on a cruise ship and am paying by the minute!)...participate, you wonderful peeps...or not:
BeeSargeLoisBarbSandeeLindaSo I listed six. I can't follow directions. All of these blogs deserve the OVER THE TOP award! Have fun visiting...
Life is good. Happy Monday, y'all!